The School of Ecological Imagination is a portal for (un)learning, transformative experiences and reconnecting with ourselves, our more-than-human kin, and planetary rhythms.
At SoEI, we shed the pursuit of control and mastery, instead approaching education as a process of mutually engaged curiosity, symbiotic resonance, and playful experimentation. Through embodied, transdisciplinary, polyrhythmic collective experiences, we cultivate ecological awareness, attune with biospheric pulses, and wander alternative paths of being and becoming.
Within the circles of the School, we learn to think, feel, move, and imagine with the vitality of the animate earth, supporting healing and wholing, and developing the tools to navigate the polycrisis.
We tend a momentary garden of ecological wisdom, personal development, and creative practice - providing accessible and engaging pathways for learners to imagine narratives of earthly flourishing, and embody them.
At the heart of the School of Ecological Imagination lies a deep commitment to re-enchanting the world and reimagining how we learn, live, and create together. Our values are rooted in reciprocity, regeneration, and ecosystem well-being. Radical optimism, active hope and compassionate inquiry are prisms and methods through which we approach transformation. Through our initiatives we seek to better understand how to serve Life through building common spaces for ecological education.
We see the School as a nest woven from the threads of curiosity, trust and shared meaning. The space and its processes are held by and for those at the edges—queer, BIPOC, femme, marginalised, intergenerational voices—all teaching, learning, and supporting each other inviting relational forms of exchange and co-creation . <3
We challenge dominant paradigms, unlearn biases, and expand what education can be. Through peer-to-peer (un)learning and open curiosity, we nurture growth and invite a world of possibilities.
Every being, element, and ecosystem is woven into a greater whole. Our work honours this intrinsic connection, listening to the earth and its more-than-human voices as our teachers.
The arts are our language for healing, imagining, and meaning-making. Through movement, storytelling, and ecological practices, we cultivate creative expressions that shift perspectives and envision radically optimistic futures.
We seek to rediscover the sacredness in the everyday and the magick within the natural world. This sense of wonder inspires us to see life anew and act with care.
Learning is joyful, curious, and playful. We embrace the art of play as a way to deepen ecological literacy and create life-serving practices.
True learning nourishes the whole self—mind, body, heart, and spirit. By bridging intellectual knowledge, natural wisdom with embodied, collective practices, we invite transformative change.
Through queering, we reject binaries and challenge restrictive norms. We celebrate diversity in all its forms and create spaces of belonging for people and the more-than-human world.
Our practices reflect reciprocity and care, fostering ecological restoration and mending broken relationships with the Earth. Healing and wholeness guide us toward a just and sustainable future.
As Octavia Butler reminds us, "Everything you touch, you change. All that you change, changes you." Change is a constant, and we adapt with it, listening, learning, and evolving alongside the earth and each other.
We believe in sharing knowledge and skills freely, where everyone is a teacher and a student. There are no experts—just a wiggly web of collective wisdom.
The process of creation is open, evolving, and intentional. Together, we cultivate a culture of care—caring for ourselves, each other, and the earth, with equity and sustainability at the core.
The School of Ecological Imagination is a living system, co-created by all who join it. Together, we yarn art, ecology, queerness, magic, science, and spirituality into pathways of expanded perception and action, always grounded in equity, awareness, and love.
Welcome to this shared journey of becoming, blooming, and belonging.
Single session €15 per session.
Stop by for a single session whiff of a course
Individual Course sign up €60/ per course 4-8 Sessions
This is a fixed course price to cover facilitation costs. If this is a barrier to access the course, please email us to arrange a subsided place. These are limited and come on a first come first serve basis.
Verein Member - Annual - Standard Rate - €111 / year
Full access to all the courses, recordings, and discussion boards and the ability to propose LIOS projects.
Angel Rate - Verein Membership - € 222 / year
Your extra support for LIOS helps keep our programming evolving and accessible for more people! Full access to all courses, recordings and discussion boards and the ability to propose LIOS projects.